Homework Assignment #2

PART 1. The first part of this assignment begins the MOMENT you feel like relapsing within the next month. Instead of self harming, I’m asking you to take out your phone immediately, open a word/pages/notes document, and begin to explain in great detail the situation(s) that put you in this current mental state. I’d like to see answers to these questions somewhere within your response as you examine your feelings carefully: What exactly does this current moment feel like? What happened immediately beforehand to put you in this mental state? Why does self harm feel like the only place to turn right now? Lastly, explain, in words, what will the result of self harming right now would be? Will the issue that originally upset you be any closer to a resolution? You are being asked to face these questions in your lowest of lows, and physically type out the answers to each one. When finished send your paragraph to ghoulhomework@gmail.com with the subject line "HW 2 PART 1"

Give yourself a breather now, because it’s going to be ok. Go back to class, go back to work, complete this day strong without any new wounds, when you have returned from this state you're ready to begin part two. Only continue onto part two once part one has been emotionally digested. 

PART 2. The second part (the fun part!) of this assignment is to take a look back at what you wrote for the first part. Confront the words you previously wrote while in a different mental state. Don’t hide from them, allow yourself to explore the words YOU wrote while experiencing that pain. Now, what can be done with them?... Have you ever considered pushing yourself to transform your feelings into something beyond that current moment? As many of you may have already guessed, yes, I’m asking you to take the words you’ve written in part one and turn them into a work of art. It can be anything, there are no wrong answers as long as you pick any one artistic medium and re-express the first part of the assignment creatively. Show me a watercolor painting of the pain you experience when you want to self harm, recreate a visual representation of these feelings. You could write, write a poem about the crushing realities you face day to day while wanting to relapse. Or, if those feelings were a song, what would it sound like, what would the lyrics be? Record something small for me to hear! I’m not asking you to describe a piece of art, I’m asking you to create and turn in your OWN work of art. (Please include whether or not you’d be ok with me showing off your finished work on the website and instagram. Keep in mind I will not be tagging the creators as this will encourage improper motives/results) Again, this assignment has no wrong answers as long as you’re exploring these painful feelings in some kind of form of art. Every single of one us lives with our own unique pain. I can tell you for a fact if I didn’t make the violently aggressive music I make, I’d be in a much worse place. Let's explore our feelings artistically together.

(I know there will be a ton of questions about what's ok to turn in and what isn't but as long as it's art its acceptable. A drawing/painting/writing/singing/photography hell, you could even turn in a video of an interpretive dance as long as you truly feel it represents the pain you felt in part one. You have two weeks to complete this part, and you should only submit one finished work, so take your time!)

When finished send your paragraph to ghoulhomework@gmail.com with the subject line "HW 2 PART 2"